Track your order

Once your order ships, you’ll receive a Shipping Confirmation email from, which will include your tracking number. This email may take up to 7 business days to arrive, depending on the product ordered. When you receive it, simply enter your tracking number below to check your delivery status.

Please Note:

  • Order numbers may not instantly update with delivery status information. If your tracking number shows as unavailable, don’t worry—your order is on its way to the local post office, and tracking updates should appear within a few business days.
  • Delivery times can vary by destination, typically taking between 10 to 15 business days.

Advertisement Disclaimer: If you encounter any irrelevant ads while using the tracking popup, we apologize for the inconvenience. We rely on a third-party tracking service to provide the best possible tracking results, which limits our control over the ads displayed. Thank you for your understanding.

Happy shopping!

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